I will add the 1st post here
Love this video Baz made with Jeff,Bobby & Wayne Isham
www.youtube.com/watch?v=eMYxBrYUGEg&feature=channel_pageBattle with the bottle sounds great & is the first offical country song by Sebastian I love it & hope to here more soon.
www.youtube.com/watch?v=vfQKzCtZzOs&feature=channelBaz video for Love is a bitchslap kicks ass & can be found on the Angel Down/Road Rage CD/DVD package
_++88_________Sebastian Bach__________
_++88_______ANGEL DOWN#1___________
__+888________________________ +8+__
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Can't wait to read everyones post
These videos are right from Baz offical Youtube sight turn it up & pass it on.....